Clients of CDEM can follow a variety of our different workshops given either by CDEM employability specialists or other trainers. The workshops prepare our clients to undertake a successful job search and find one that matches their skills.
Preparation for your Job Search
Learn how to write a strong resume and a cover letter that will make you stand out. CDEM’s employment counsellors also teach interview techniques and help you throughout your job search.
Depending on the job you are looking for, we offer free workshops that allow you to obtain first aid and food handling certificates, as well as a certificate for the sale of alcohol in Manitoba (Smart Choices). We also offer the certification needed to work in construction, and training regarding the Hazardous Products Act and regulations.
Canadian Work Culture
This workshop is for newcomers to Canada who want to know more about the Canadian work ethic and the work culture in order to integrate the workforce as smoothly as possible.
How to Immigrate to Manitoba
How to Immigrate to Manitoba is intended for people who are interested in learning more about francophone immigration to Manitoba. This workshop provides more information on the procedures for moving to the province.