Why choose CDEM Employability's services to find qualified candidates? Here are 7 good reasons for an employer to use our services:
1. Skilled Talent
The CDEM has a bank of qualified talents in several areas of expertise. By working with us, you will have access to a range of skilled, enthusiastic, and diverse candidates trained in the culture and values of the Canadian workplace.
2. Large Network
We are part of a national group, the Economic Development and Employability Network (RDÉE Canada), which gives you access to a broader range of candidates across Canada.
3. Experts Helping You
Our employability specialists are available to find the talent you need. Whether you are looking for beginner or experienced candidates, our employment counselors will be able to identify the best profiles for you.
4. Wage Subsidies
The CDEM offers several employability programs with wage subsidies that reduce hiring and training costs for employers.
5. Free Services
All the services and programs offered by the CDEM are free of charge, thanks to our government partners.
6. Bilingual Job Fair
Our job fair offers a series of quick interviews with selected job seekers whose profiles match your needs. We offer two job fair events annually, in the fall and spring.
7. Promotion of your job offers on CDEM’s social networks
CDEM has a Facebook page CDEM Employability where we regularly publish job offers from our partners. This page has more than 6, 000 subscribers; It is visited daily by all job seekers in the community. We also use the Work Manitoba platform to promote job postings.
Contact us
Our employability experts are ready to help you. Get in touch with us at